Roadmap Event 5 - an incredible source of inspiration and new opportunities for participants from around the world

It was a record-breaking event for Meta Force, bringing together all those who are ready to take web3 technology adoption to the next level and share their experiences.

Do you remember how you prepared for Roadmap Event 5?

Carefully selected an outfit and spent hours putting a perfect look paying attention to every detail?
Or like John - warming up on the tennis court or pumping iron and then racing through the desert fully prepared for the event?

All in all, it doesn't matter, because we know for a fact that we can always rely on you.

Are you also wondering what Top Secret Box John is carrying?
The June Roadmap Event Episode 5 held in Dubai was an incredible source of inspiration and new opportunities for more than 100 participants, including our leaders from around the world.
The event featured innovative ideas, project development proposals and details of the roadmap for the Neo Dao metaverse.

You can watch the RME5 premiere here:

Yours sincerely,
Lado Okhotnikov